Portal is a first-person puzzle-platform game developed by Valve Corporation. The game was released as part of The Orange Box compilation in October 2007, and later as a standalone game on Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360. The game's sequel, Portal 2, was released in 2011.

In Portal, the player takes on the role of a test subject named Chell who must navigate a series of test chambers using a device known as the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device or "portal gun." The portal gun allows players to create two connecting portals on various surfaces, allowing them to move through space in unique and challenging ways. Chell is guided through the testing by a sentient, malevolent AI named GLaDOS who offers sarcastic comments and insults throughout the game.

The game features a variety of puzzles that require critical thinking and the use of the portal gun to solve. The puzzles range from simple movement puzzles to advanced logical and spatial puzzles. The game also introduces various gameplay mechanics such as the use of weighted cubes and different types of portals that can be used to create different effects.

The game is known for its innovative gameplay and dark humor, and has garnered critical acclaim for its storyline, gameplay, and characters. The game's art style is simplistic and futuristic, with a focus on creating a sterile, scientific environment befitting of the Aperture Science Testing Facility.

Overall, Portal is a unique and immersive puzzle game that challenges players' problem-solving skills and offers a memorable and humorous storyline. It is a classic game that has stood the test of time and continues to be enjoyed by players today.

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