Quantum Conundrum is a first-person puzzle-solving game developed by Airtight Games. The director of the game, Kim Swift, was a lead designer of a game called Portal.

You play as a nephew of a brilliant scientist who is unexpectedly sent to stay with his uncle. The Professor is working on an experiment that goes not according to the plan. The scientist can't get out of a pocket dimension and the house you were staying in is now shattered across four dimensions with different properties. You have to get everything back together.

The player is able to run, jump and interact with several in-game objects. It is possible to die from hazardous liquids, bottomless pits, falling down from a great height or getting killed by lasers. The levels in the game are represented as the rooms of the house. The objective of each level is to find the exit door and get to it.

The players can manipulate the rooms traversing through the dimensions. Each dimension has its own physics. For example, in the Fluffy dimension, the objects are much lighter than normal. Players can access only one dimension at a time.