Tomb Raider V: Chronicles is an action-adventure game, the fifth main installment in Tomb Raider series and sequel to 1999 game Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.


The story continues the plot of the Last Revelation. After the collapse of Great Pyramid of Giza, the game’s protagonist Lara Croft is presumed dead. Her three friends come together on her funeral and tell three stories about her recent adventures that did not appear in previous games. These three stories take the most of the game’s playtime.


The gameplay shares many similarities with Last Revelation. The levels in the game incorporate platforming, puzzle solving and fighting enemies. Lara can use many different weapons in combat such as her iconic double pistols with infinite ammo, submachine guns, shotguns, harpoon guns. The new item to the series is grappling gun. It can fire grappling hook that clings on certain surfaces and produces a rope that can be used to swing across rooms and get over pits.
Platforming sequences require Lara to use different acrobatic moves like somersaults, walking the tightrope, swinging on horizontal bars. Some levels take place underwater where a player must use weapons and items different from the other parts of the game.

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