Boris "magixx" Vorobyev is a Russian pro CS:GO player, currently linked with Team Spirit. Boris was born on June 3rd, 2003. His role in the team is that of a rifler. Vorobyev’s total winnings exceed 132,000 USD. Before Spirit he competed at ESPADA in Summer 2019. Best results of Boris in terms of achievements started from 2020, when he was a new member of Spirit. He managed to raise the following cups with the team:

  • SECTOR MOSTBET Season 1 2020;

  • ESL ONE: Road to RIO CIS 2020;

  • Dreamhack Open January 2021;

  • Pinnacle Cup 2 2021;

  • Malta Vibes Knockout Series #6 2022.

The latest major tournament for Magixxl was PGL Major Antwerp where his team finished 3-4th losing to FaZe Clan in the playoffs and taking home 70,000 USD prize cash.